How to Import Contacts in Zoho CRM

How to Import Contacts in Zoho CRM

Step 1: Delete Existing Contacts

Before importing new contacts, it's essential to ensure a clean slate within your Zoho CRM account. Deleting existing contacts will prevent duplication and keep your database tidy.

Step 2: Prepare Your Data Sheet

Create a spreadsheet that aligns with the fields in Zoho CRM. This step ensures that the data you import integrates seamlessly with the CRM's structure. Include all relevant information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and any custom fields required for your business needs.

Step 3: Access Import Contacts Feature

Navigate to the "Contacts" tab in your Zoho CRM dashboard and locate the "Import Contacts" option. This feature allows you to upload your prepared data sheet effortlessly.

Step 4: Upload Your File

Click on "Choose File" to select the prepared spreadsheet from your device. Once selected, proceed to upload the file into Zoho CRM.

Step 5: Choose Import Options

After the file upload is complete, Zoho CRM prompts you with options regarding what to do with the records in the file. Since you've already cleared existing contacts, select "Add New Contacts" to ensure that only new contacts are imported.

Step 6: Map Fields

In this step, Zoho CRM asks you to map the fields from your spreadsheet to the corresponding fields in the CRM. This ensures that data is correctly interpreted and stored in the right place within the CRM system. Once fields are mapped, proceed to the next step.

Step 7: Finalize Import

Click on "Next" to finalize the import process. Zoho CRM will process the data, which may take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the size of your contact list. After a brief processing period, all your contact data will be successfully added to Zoho CRM.

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